Link Your Twilio & KORE Accounts
Beginning June 1, 2023, unless you were notified otherwise, your IoT product usage will no longer be charged to your Twilio account balance. Instead, your IoT product usage will be charged to your KORE account, which we'll help you set up by following this step-by-step guide.
Any contractual discounts you have on IoT products will continue to apply. How you are billed for using any other Twilio products does not change.
If you have any questions, please contact your IoT sales specialist, Twilio account representative, or contact KORE customer support.
This guide will take you through the steps to create both your Twilio and KORE accounts.
Considerations Before You Start
Ordering and Managing Your IoT Products
We're still in the process of migrating our services and recreating all workflows at KORE. While you can use the Twilio Console and APIs to manage your IoT products, we encourage you to use the KORE Super SIM Console and KORE Super SIM APIs as our products will be removed from the Twilio Console in early 2025 and from the Twilio REST API by May 1, 2025.
The one action you can still only do in the Twilio Console is ordering SIMs, which you'll do from this Order page, but you'll need to have your accounts setup before you can do that. We will send out an announcement when you can begin ordering SIM hardware through KORE's Shop.
About Your Twilio Account Balance
Now that KORE has acquired Twilio's IoT business unit and products, your Twilio account balance will not be charged for IoT product usage. Any funds on your Twilio account balance cannot be transferred to KORE or applied towards IoT usage. You still see IoT usage shown in your Twilio Usage Summary or priced usage in the IoT portion of the Twilio Console but that usage will not appear on your Twilio invoice and will not draw from your Twilio account balance*.
You must keep your Twilio account active and in good standing to be able to use the Twilio Console and APIs to manage your IoT products. If your Twilio account becomes suspended, which will typically happen if your Account Balance becomes negative, you will be blocked from using the Twilio Console and APIs.
* A handful of existing customers with contractual agreements that could not be immediately transferred to KORE will continue to pay for IoT usage through Twilio until new contracts are executed. The communications you received on June 1 notifying you that the acquisition completed would have included information about this if it applies to you. Additionally, KORE and Twilio sales representatives will reach out to you to discuss next steps.
Using a Twilio Trial Account
If you don't intend to use other Twilio products, you do not need to upgrade your Twilio trial account to complete the process below and begin ordering and using IoT products. Upgrading your Twilio account requires you to load $20 into your Twilio account balance and may unlock some Twilio products or features that are restricted to trial accounts. Remember though, you will be charged by KORE for all IoT usage regardless of your Twilio account status.
Current or future restrictions to Twilio trial accounts may negatively impact what you can do within Twilio's Console or APIs and it is recommended to upgrade your Twilio account if you are planning a production use case.
Managing Multiple Twilio Accounts
If you owned multiple Twilio accounts that used IoT products prior to June 1, 2023, when you complete the account linking process on one account, KORE will check if there are other accounts in the data transferred from Twilio that are also owned by you based on your email address. If any are found, KORE will create additional accounts in the background for you and link those accounts together so you don't have to repeat this entire process for each one and fill in any remaining account information that is required by KORE. You will receive an email when you link your first one letting you know which accounts need your attention. You can switch between the KORE accounts that belong to your email address from the KORE Console.
At the moment, except for those in the case above where KORE made multiple accounts that belong to the same email address, you cannot re-use the same email address to manage multiple KORE accounts. If you have multiple Twilio accounts but they were not included in the data provided by Twilio, or you want to use multiple Twilio accounts in the future, you will need to use a different email address for each of their corresponding KORE accounts. KORE is planning to add the ability to create multiple KORE accounts and relate them back to the same owner email address.
If you need to use multiple email addresses to create KORE accounts, you can leverage plus addressing to create unique logins but have all emails come to the same inbox. For example, if you created an account for, all of the emails for that account such as one time passwords (OTPs) or billing alerts will be delivered to To help manage multiple logins, consider using a password manager.
Create Your Twilio Account
The first thing we need to do is create a Twilio account as you'll need to launch the KORE account creation workflow from your Twilio account.
Go to the Twilio Signup page and enter your information. You'll be asked to verify your email and phone number.
Next, you'll likely be asked some questions about what and how you're looking to build. These questions are meant to create a customized onboarding experience. We recommend selecting options like "other", "I don't know", or "something else" if available to quickly get through the signup process. If you have the option to choose which product you are here to use and can select Internet of Things / Wireless, choose that to make it easier to navigate to the Internet of Things part of the Twilio Console later. If you don't see that, don't worry! We'll get you there later.
Here is an example of our suggestions to get through the signup flow if you are presented with this version of the personalization questionnaire:
Once you're into your account you'll see a dashboard like the one below. Next, we'll want to get the Internet of Things section of Console pinned to your left side navigation if it isn't already. Start by clicking Explore Products in the left side navigation.
Click Internet of Things in new list that appears or scroll down until you see a card like the one below for Internet of Things. If the pin icon isn't already solid, click it. You should now see Internet of Things in the blue side navigation on the left. You will need to return to the Twilio Console later to complete the account linking process, order SIMs, or access your IoT product resources so make sure it's pinned to your side nav.
You can now enter the Internet of Things section of the Twilio Console! We know that was a lot of steps. Thanks for hanging in there.
Use the option on the left side navigation to enter the Internet of Things part of the Twilio Console.
When you enter the Internet of Things section of Console and navigate to any place other than the Overview page, you will be greeted with a page asking you to link a KORE account to your Twilio account (or you can click this link to go there). To link your accounts, you'll need to complete the following steps, each of which we'll guide you through below:
Click the "Create your KORE account" button to go to the KORE Console and create your KORE account. You must start the process by clicking the button from Console so that your KORE and Twilio accounts will be correctly linked together.
Complete the sign-up process to create your KORE account.
Add a credit card to your KORE account. Alternatively, you can contact a sales specialist to discuss payment terms.
Return to the Twilio Console and click the "Verify account setup" button to confirm that your account is properly set up so you can begin or continue using IoT products.
Create Your KORE Account
While viewing the "Link a KORE account" page in the Twilio Console, click the "Create your KORE account" button to go to the KORE Console and create your KORE account.
You must navigate to the KORE Console by clicking the "Create your KORE account" button in the Twilio Console. The URL generated contains your encrypted Account SID so your Twilio and KORE accounts can be properly linked. If you make an account by going directly to the KORE Console, this critical information will be missing and your accounts won't be linked.
Verifying your email
Once at the KORE Console, you'll be greeted by one of two experiences depending on whether or not you were already an existing Twilio IoT customer before July 19, 2023. If the email for your Twilio account's owner is found in the data provided to KORE to ensure continuity, you'll use that email to create your account. Otherwise, you'll be prompted to provide an email. In either case, a one time password (OTP) will be sent to verify your ownership of that email.
Check your email for the OTP from KORE.
Return to the KORE Console to enter the OTP that was sent to you.
Set your password
With your email now verified, you'll be prompted to set a password for your KORE account.
Enter your information
Now that KORE has verified who you are and you've secured your login, we need you to know some information about you or your business.
Select whether you are signing up as an individual or as a business.
Not sure which to pick? Maybe you're a developer at a company building out an MVP for a new project but you don't know your company's tax ID. Don't worry. You can sign up as an individual and work with customer support or an account representative to upgrade to a business account later.
Whether you're signing up as an individual or a business, you'll need to accept KORE's Master Agreement. Feel free to review the terms and then click the checkbox indicating that you agree to them.
Verify your information before submitting.
You can skip adding a credit card for now but you will not be able to order or begin using IoT products ordered through Twilio Console until you have a credit card added to your KORE account or you've been approved for payment terms. If you have payment terms with Twilio for your IoT services, you will have the same payment terms with KORE, so you do not need to apply for terms. Please click here for the remittance information for KORE.
Add a payment method
The easiest way to add a payment method to your KORE account is to add a credit card during the account creation process. If you're following this step-by-step guide to create your KORE account then you should have just finished adding your account details and are now being prompted to add a credit card.
Congratulations! You've successfully created your KORE account. But hang in there. You're not quite done yet.
If you skipped adding a credit card during the account creation process or need to add a different one later, log into the KORE Console and select Billing from the side navigation.
Verify your account setup
With your KORE account set up, including having a payment method configured, return to the "Link a KORE Account" page in the Twilio Console.
Click the "Verify account setup" button. We'll check in with KORE's account service to confirm that everything is properly setup.
If everything has been correctly set up, which it should be if you followed this guide, you'll be greeted with a success message letting you know that your Twilio and KORE accounts have been successfully linked. If you're missing any information or you didn't add a credit card during the KORE account setup process, you'll be prompted to return to the KORE Console to finish adding that information.
You're all done!
You can now click the button or the link in the success message to take you back to the IoT Overview page or navigate to any other pages.
If you're new to using our IoT products, then the next place you'll probably want to go is the Order page to get the hardware you need to get started.
Last updated
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