Migrating to KORE Console

KORE Console is the central user interface you will use to manage your KORE account and launch the other consoles from which you'll manage your IoT connectivity.

When you log in you'll land on a dashboard that looks like this:

From here you can:

If you go directly to either of the Super SIM or Programmable Wireless Consoles or the support center to contact customer support and are prompted for a login, use the same email and password you use to log into the KORE Console.

You will eventually be able to order Super SIM and Programmable Wireless SIMs from KORE Shop. For now, continue to use the Twilio Console for ordering SIM hardware.

Launch the Super SIM Console

To launch the Super SIM Console, hover over the Super SIM tile on your dashboard. A blue "Launch" button will appear. Click that to go to the Super SIM Console.

Use the Launch button on any of the other tiles you have to access them.

Last updated