New UI and APIs Available at KORE & More for Super SIM & Programmable Wireless - August 2024


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Since our last outreach in May, we have been hard at work migrating our infrastructure from Twilio to KORE and building the new interfaces that you'll use to manage your SIMs going forward. We want to share what we've been working on with you.

Within this update, we'll provide an overview of what's coming and links to docs with more details for:

  • How to access the new Super SIM Console

  • How to use our new Developer Portal to create an API client

  • How to make API calls to KORE's API

  • How to receive callbacks from KORE instead of Twilio

  • What you should start thinking about for migrating to KORE's Super SIM Connection Events

  • How the Super SIM /UsageRecords API and Data Insights will change

New Super SIM Console at KORE

Until now, you've continued to use the Twilio Console to manage your Super SIMs. You'll find similar views that allow you to perform the same operations in KORE's new Super SIM Console. You can also access the Super SIM Console from the same KORE Console you use to manage your billing and support tickets. Learn more about how to access the KORE Console and the new Super SIM Console here.

We encourage you to begin familiarizing yourself with the new Super SIM Console at KORE now, as you will no longer be able to use the Twilio Console to manage your SIMs after November 1, 2024. Any changes made to your Super SIMs through Twilio's or KORE's console will be reflected in the other so you can use either interchangeably until November 1, 2024. However, SIM ordering must still be performed from the Twilio Console for now. If you find any issues, please contact our support team.

If you haven't already, now would be a great time to begin inviting more users, such as any of your team members that currently use the Twilio Console, to your KORE account so they can access the KORE Super SIM Console and support tickets. Learn more about how to manage users on your KORE account here.

New Developer Portal

To use KORE's REST APIs that will replace the Twilio REST APIs for Super SIM and Programmable Wireless, you will need to:

  • Create an API Client

  • Use the API Client's ID and secret to generate a token

  • Send that token to authenticate your API requests to manage your SIMs and other resources

You'll create and manage your API Clients from KORE's new Developer Portal. You can also access the Developer Portal from the KORE Console. Learn more about the Developer Portal and how to get started with KORE's APIs here.

If you're already integrated with Twilio's APIs, learn more about the differences between Twilio and KORE APIs and what to expect when you migrate here.

First Super SIM API Endpoints Released

You can begin to familiarize yourself with how the APIs work by making calls to the new Super SIM /Sims API endpoint at KORE to read and update your SIMs. You can check the availability of each API endpoint at KORE by checking the API Reference docs.

As reminder, you can continue to use the Twilio REST APIs to manage your Super SIM and Programmable Wireless SIMs until May 1, 2025. We encourage you to begin exploring the APIs and using the new KORE APIs as soon as it is convenient for you and your teams so you can migrate your applications well ahead of time.

Start Receiving Callbacks from KORE

In our last update, we communicated that if you consume callbacks/webhooks from Twilio as part of your SIM lifecycle management or to use SMS Commands or IP Commands, you may need to make changes to your application.

You can now control whether callbacks are sent from Twilio's infrastructure or KORE's by modifying the callback URL you set on resources or provide in your API requests. This functionality has been implemented for all Super SIM APIs already and we intend to release the same functionality for Programmable Wireless APIs by the end of August.

While the payload of the callbacks will remain unchanged, the response headers will be different. Most notably, if you use the signature header in Twilio callbacks to validate their authenticity, you will need to make changes to avoid disruptions as this header will no longer be sent. A similar feature to authenticate callbacks from KORE is being developed which we intend to release near the end of August 2024.

On October 1, 2024, all callbacks will be sent by KORE instead of Twilio unless you explicitly instruct us (using the option in the callback URL) to send it from Twilio. On November 1, 2024, all callbacks will be sent by KORE. Learn more about changes to callbacks and how to control which infrastructure they are sent from so you can begin testing now here.

Migrating to KORE Super SIM Connection Events

If you use Super SIM Connection Events, you will need to switch from receiving those events via Twilio's Event Streams product to a new event streaming product from KORE by November 1, 2024.

You will be able to receive Connection Events via AWS Kinesis or webhooks. Twilio Segment will not be a supported destination type. If you have Twilio Segment as your Twilio Event Streams sink type, you will need to make additional changes to how you receive and process events.

We intend to send another update within the next few weeks with directions on how to setup and test your KORE event stream integrations and provide more details on when KORE Super SIM Connection Events will be available. In the meantime, you can begin planning changes you will need to make using the assumptions listed here.

Super SIM Usage Data from before July 1 Will Not Be Retained

As part of our migration of Super SIM from Twilio’s cloud infrastructure to KORE’s, we will transition away from Twilio’s downstream usage aggregation service that currently handles data for our /UsageRecords API and Data Insights page in Console (collectively referred to as “usage requests” going forward) to new infrastructure at KORE. We will not be migrating all usage data from Twilio to KORE. Beginning November 1, 2024, you will only be able to query data usage from July 1, 2024 onwards. Usage requests for older data will result in an error. If you need usage data from before July 1 for your records, ensure you have extracted the data you need by November 1 and make any necessary changes to your applications to avoid encountering unexpected errors.

Last updated

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