This documentation applies to the following products:

  • Super SIM

  • Programmable Wireless

Ensure you follow the guide to link your Twilio account to KORE before continuing.

For all other products, please review their respective documentation


Welcome to KORE's developer experience! Follow these steps to begin your journey with KORE's various developer tools, starting with making your first API call.

If you need assistance at any point during registration, contact support.

Access Developer Portal

Navigate to KORE's Developer Portal and login if you have not already done so.

Create your first API Client

If you want more information on an API client, read through our guide.

Navigate to the client management section of the developer portal.

This table will be empty if you have not created any clients yet. Otherwise, you'll see your previous clients.

Go ahead and create your first client.

You will be given a screen that you will be required to fill out. Read our guide on API clients for details on what each field means. For this guide, we will keep things simple to get you on your way with KORE APIs.

Client Name

For the client name, type in anything you want or start with My First KORE API Client.

Client Lock

You can leave this enabled for now. You can disable it at a later time


You can leave this blank for now


This will be pre-populated with the account you are currently logged into.

Token Expiry Time

Leave the default value.

Client Type

You can select any client type. In this guide, we will assume you are an account owner or account admin, so go ahead and select the type Admin.


We will make a simple PING call for your first API call. Go ahead and click the Ping resource

Create Client

Once you are happy with your first setup, click Create Client.

Client Credentials

Once you click Create Client, you will be presented with your Client ID and Client Secret.

You cannot see your Client Secret once you navigate away from this page. Store the secret in a safe place and continue.

First API Call

Read our guide on Authorization for more details on how our APIs are authorized.

Get an Access Token

Our first step will be to get an access token that ensures we have the right credentials and grants our application access to the APIs.

Use the Client Credentials, Client ID and Secret, you obtained in the previous step.

Using the example below, replace ${KORE_CLIENT_ID} and ${KORE_CLIENT_SECRET} with your credentials.

curl -X POST https://api.korewireless.com/api-services/v1/auth/token  \
  --header 'cache-control: no-cache'  \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'  \
  --data 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
  --data "client_id=${KORE_CLIENT_ID}" \
  --data "client_secret=${KORE_CLIENT_SECRET}"

If successful, KORE will respond with your access token (line 2 in the example below).

   "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
   "expires_in": "EXPIRY_TIME",
   "token_type": "Bearer",
   "scope": "YOUR_SCOPE"

Make a PING call

With the access token, you can now start making API calls.

Replace ACCESS_TOKEN the example below shows the access token you received in the previous step.

PING Request
curl 'https://client.api.korewireless.com/v1/ping' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

If successful, you will see a response as follows.

Success Response
    "message": "Success"

Your ACCESS_TOKEN will expire based on your API Client settings. Read our guide on refreshing your access token to learn how to prevent errors.

Next Steps

🎉 Congratulations! You have successfully made an API call against KORE's APIs.

You can explore KORE's various other APIs to get started with one of our products.

curl --location 'https://api.korewireless.com/api-clients/v1/ping' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <<TOKEN>>'

Last updated