Migrating to KORE Super SIM Connection Events

This page is under development and the text below provides a high level overview of our planned implementation to allow you to begin planning. If you have any questions as you begin to think about how to migrate your application, feel free to contact KORE support or your KORE account representative and we'll do our best to get you additional details.

Super SIM Connection Events are currently delivered via Twilio's Event Streams product. As part of our process of separating from Twilio, we will stop publishing events to Twilio Event Streams on November 1, 2024. In order to continue to receive Super SIM Connection Events without interruption, you will need to subscribe to KORE's replacement event streaming product before then.

Destination Types

You will be able to receive events via AWS Kinesis or webhooks.

Twilio Segment will not be an available destination type. If you use this Sink type today, plan to use one of the other destination types and forward events into Twilio Segment yourself.

Setting Up Destinations and Streams

You will use the KORE Developer Portal to configure destinations and streams and send test events so you can confirm that you are able to receive events from KORE.

Migrating to KORE Super SIM Connection Events

We will expand upon this documentation with more detailed examples once we've integrated everything. In the meantime, please operate on the following assumptions to begin thinking about what changes you will need to make to your application:

  • We will simultaneously publish events to both KORE's event streaming product and Twilio's Event Stream.

  • The object within the event that contains the Super SIM Connection Event specific data will remain unchanged. The metadata around that object will be different depending on if it came from KORE or Twilio.

  • To ensure that you don't miss any events during the migration process, you can subscribe to both KORE's Super SIM Connection Events and Twilio's at the same time as all events will be published through both systems; however, you will need to consolidate the events and dedupe them.

  • You will be able to use the event_sid property to dedupe events. The same event that was sent over both KORE's and Twilio's stream will have the same event_sid.

If you use Super SIM Connection Events to record data usage and bill your customers, it is critical that you properly deduplicate your events, even when receiving them via just Twilio or KORE. Please ensure you have considered this in your design.

Last updated