Resolve account in a Pending State

How To Resolve Account In Pending State?

When you register for the first time or create a new account, your account may be stuck in a Pending state resulting in an incomplete registration.

This guide provides options to resolve pending accounts.

VAT Validations

For businesses that are based in the European Union, KORE validates your VAT Number with tools available by the European Commission. If the number can't be validated, this results in an account to be stuck in Pending. Two of the root causes are:

  • Invalid VAT Number

  • EU VAT Number Validation is Unreachable

In either case, you should first start by logging in to The sign-up page will bring you to the missing/invalid field.

This is normally due to invalid VAT number or the VIES VAT number validation service is unreachable. You can fill in the missing information on the next page by clicking the Complete Setup button. The "How to resolve this?" link will provide you more details on how to resolve VAT validation failures.

For more details about Accounts in general click here.

Contact Support

You can contact always contact support for assistance if are still unable to activate your account.

Last updated