Multiple Accounts

When you complete registration, you will always have a single account. But if a single account does not work, you can create and configure multiple accounts with KORE.

There are two types of accounts you can create after you have registered to KORE.

  1. Parent Accounts

  2. Child Accounts

Every account, whether or not it has child accounts, belongs to an account hierarchy. This allows you to configure your resources and accounts as your solution grows.

Regardless of its type, every account is assigned a unique identifier known as the account ID. This ID is used throughout our documentation, user interface (UI), and application programming interfaces (APIs).

Parent Accounts

Your initial account will always be a parent account, a billable account that consolidates charges from all associated child accounts, if applicable. The parent account is the primary account affiliated with KORE.

Each parent account has its own invoice, payment methods, user base, API credentials, and resources. For example, the SIMs in Account 1 have no connection to the SIMs in Account 2, even if both accounts belong to the same owner, and both Account 1 and Account 2 will receive an invoice.

A parent account will always have one owner who can invite additional users. Any user with any role can create an account, which they will be automatically assigned as the owner. A user can own multiple parent accounts and can easily switch between them.

An owner can transfer ownership of an account to another user at a later time.

Creating a Parent Account

Additional parent accounts cannot be created through an API or the KORE Console.

Contact support for assistance.

Child Accounts

A child account allows you to allocate your resources to various subaccounts. Some users do this to organize resources by end customer, department, region, or business unit. Ultimately, how you structure your accounts and resources is up to you.

A child account must always be associated with a parent account. Child accounts are not billable, and a root-level parent is always associated with any hierarchy responsible for invoicing.

All users with access to the parent account will inherit the same set of permissions in the child accounts. A user can move resources from a parent account to a child account, which means these resources will now be managed from the destination child account.

Creating a Child Account

KORE supports only one level of parent/child.

Child accounts cannot be created through an API or the KORE Console.

Contact support for assistance.

Any charges generated from a child account will be aggregated under the parent account at the rates agreed upon with KORE and the parent account.

Viewing & Switching Accounts

If you have multiple accounts, either multiple parent or child accounts, you will need to view and switch between them.

Regardless of which application you are using, the top banner will always present you with the current account and its status you are currently in.

If you want to switch to a different account, you can click on the account switcher and either select one of the last three visited accounts or view all accounts.

All the accounts you have access to will be presented to you in a flat table structure, which you can switch to or view the details of.


You can search for an account given the account ID or account name, which will filter the table down.


When you 'View All Accounts', we track which application you came from. If you click the 'Switch To' action on any account, we will do two things:

  1. Switch the account

  2. Redirect you back to the application you came from

The account context you are in is shared across KORE's applications, so if you open any other application, the same account context will be presented.

Viewing Account Details

You can 'View Account Details' for any of the accounts. Clicking this action will send you to the KORE Console's Account Details page.

Examples of an Account Hierarchy

Default Behaviour

In this example, the default behaviour, the user is satisfied with a single account they created during registration.

Parent Account 1 (Owner) < Invoiced

Multiple Child Accounts

You wish to segregate your resources per child account for each end customer and report on each end customer based on the unique account identifier for each child's account. Each resource, such as a SIM, will identify the child and parent accounts to which it belongs.

In this example, you will receive a single invoice with the charges rolled up from each child account (A, B, C) to Account 1.

Parent Account 1 (Owner) < Invoiced

├── Child Account A < Charges rolled up to parent account 1
├── Child Account B < Charges rolled up to parent account 1
└── Child Account C < Charges rolled up to parent account 1

Multiple Parent Accounts

You may wish to have different invoices billed to other addresses. In this instance, each account is considered a different hierarchy, and each will receive an invoice to the same user (owner).

Parent Account 1 (Owner) < Invoiced

Parent Account 2 (Owner) < Invoiced

Combination of multiple parent and child accounts

Parent Account 1 (Owner) < Invoiced

├── Child Account A < Charges rolled up to parent account 1
├── Child Account B < Charges rolled up to parent account 1

Parent Account 2 (Owner) < Invoiced

├── Child Account D < Charges rolled up to parent account 2
├── Child Account E < Charges rolled up to parent account 2
└── Child Account F < Charges rolled up to parent account 2

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