SettingsUpdates Resource

Read SettingsUpdates Resource

This resource is currently in Public Beta . Some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before being declared as Generally Available. Beta products are not covered by a KORE SLA . Learn more about beta product support.

A SettingsUpdate instance represents a single update to the configuration of a single physical SIM or eSIM profile. Settings updates are either applied at the time of manufacturing or via over-the-air updates. Updates to the SIM may include modifying the standard elementary files (EFs) found on all SIMs or resources specific to Super SIM, such as the multi-IMSI applet, that may impact how a SIM behaves.

Pending over-the-air updates that are waiting for the corresponding SIM to connect, to be download, and to be installed can be read using this resource.

This resource can be found at the following URL:

Status values

The table below describes the available status values of a SettingsUpdate instance:




The update is waiting for the SIM and has not started.


The update is in progress but may require multiple update stages to complete.


The update is complete and the settings described in the packages array are what is now being used by the SIM.


The update did not complete all stages successfully and the update is no longer being retried.

Packages properties

An update may add, remove, or update one or more settings packages. Each settings package represents a collection of configuration values that are set on the SIM and influence how it behaves. Some settings packages may override others. For example, all SIMs will have a base-settings package which represents the default settings used by all SIMs. If an additional settings package is loaded onto a SIM, the subset of settings controlled by the additional package will override those set by the base-settings package.


The string identifier of the settings package.


The version of the settings package. SIMs using the same version of a settings package should behave identically. When a change is made to a settings package that alters the behavior, the version of the settings package will be incremented. When comparing two versions of a settings package, a higher version indicates a newer version. The value will be a string. Example: "1.0.0".


URL of the dedicated docs page for the settings package. Will be null if there is no additional public documentation.

Read a list of SettingsUpdates

Query Parameters

You can determine what Settings Packages and their respective versions that are currently installed on a SIM by looking at a SIM's most recent successful Settings Update. Records are returned in reverse chronological order with the most recent Settings Update returned first. Use the SIM's SID or Unique Name and the successful status as filters and the look at the first record. The Settings Packages listed in the record's settings_packages are what your SIM is currently using.

More Request Examples

Read a list of SettingsUpdates for a single SIM

To view the history of updates for an individual SIM, provide it's sid or unique_name in the request Sim query parameter.

curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>"

Read a list of Pending SettingsUpdates

When an over-the-air update is enqueued for your SIM, a SettingsUpdate resource is created with status=scheduled. To see what updates are waiting for your SIMs (and which SIMs aren't fully up to date) , you can filter for this status. Additionally, some updates can also require multiple check-ins to our over-the-air update services to complete. Those that have received part of the update but still need additional check-ins to finish it will have a status of in-progress.

curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>"

Read the current settings on a SIM

Each SettingsUpdates resource shows the complete list of settings packages to be installed on the SIM. To see what is currently installed on your SIM, look at the most recent resource where status=successful. Results are returned in reverse chronological order so the most recent resource will be returned first. Grab the first record in your results or set PageSize=1.

curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>"

Last updated