Network Resource

Access cellular networks to which Super SIMs can connect

A Network resource represents a cellular network to which Super SIMs can connect.

You can obtain a list of all available mobile operator networks, provided as an array of Network resources, from this endpoint:

To allow Super SIMs to connect to the cellular network that a Network resource represents, the Network resource must be included in a Network Access Profile resource's Networks subresource.

Network Identifiers

Each Network resource will have a sid property that is used by KORE as the primary identifier. This is a unique identifier to KORE. In the world of cellular connectivity, networks are often referred to by their MCC (mobile country code) and MNC (mobile network code). Networks often have multiple MCC-MNCs associated with it. You can look these up on various websites such as this one.

There have been many mergers, spin-offs, and rebrandings of mobile network operators around the world. A PLMN may therefore have many identifiers, i.e., multiple MCC and MNC pairings. A PLMN's trading name may no longer match the 'friendly name' which is used to identify it in a human-readable way to other PLMNs and which is recorded in a Network resource's friendly_name property.

If there is a specific mobile network operator you are looking for which may have a different name to the Network resource's friendly_name property, check if its MCC and MNC IDs are included among a Network resource's identifiers.

A Network resource's identifiers property is an array of objects that contain identifiers for all of the public land mobile networks (PLMNs) that are represented by a Network resource. Each object in the array will have these properties:


The Mobile Country Code (MCC) is the unique ID that identifies the mobile operator network's home country.


The Mobile Network Code (MNC) is the unique ID that identifies the mobile operator network.

API Authorization

Before you can make requests to this resource, you must have a valid bearer token. Review our API authorization guide to learn how to generate a token. Here's a curl example on how to define your access token in a header:

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

The examples below do not show the required Authorization header due to a bug. We're working on fixing that. In the meantime, be sure to include that in all of your requests.

Fetch a Network Resource

Read Multiple Network Resources

More Read Examples

Read Network resources

curl -X GET "" --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>"

Read Network resources in a country

To filter down the list of networks to just those available in a given country, provide the ISO2 country code (e.g., "US" for the United States) as the IsoCountry query parameter.

curl -X GET "" --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>"

Read Network resources by MCC-MNC

You can use the a cellular network's MCC-MNC to search for a specific network. For example, one of AT&T US' MCC-MNCs is 310-410. You can use the Mcc and Mnc query parameters to search for the Network resource which represents AT&T US.

curl -X GET "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>"

Last updated