Sim UsageRecord Resource

The SIM Usage Records resource returns usage for a single SIM. To retrieve aggregated usage for all SIMs on an Account, use the Usage Records resource.

The Sim UsageRecords list resource returns usage information for a SIM over a specified period, presented as a list, and aggregated according to the user-provided granularity.<YOUR_SIM_SID>/UsageRecords

Data availability

Data records used to charge your account and populate this resource are not delivered in real time and can be delayed due to both regular and unplanned maintenance at our carrier partners. Usage may not be reflected from this resource for up to 24 hours from when it occurred. All usage will typically be processed within 48 hours from when it occurred.

Retention period

Usage information will be retained for 18 months, after which it will be deleted. Querying usage records more than 18 months old can result in incomplete data.

Sim UsageRecords properties

account_sid SID

The SID of the Account that created the UsageRecord resource.


Min length:34

Max length:34

commands object

data object

Commands Usage Object

The Commands usage object reports usage of Commands for the period.

The Commands Usage object is presented as a tree-like structure. For example, the total value from the home child object, the national_roaming child object , and the international_roaming object sum to the total value of the top level commands object. This is the same for the to_sim and from_sim parameters.

Property Data Type
Empty Value

total Integer

The total number of Commands sent (from_sim) or received (to_sim) by the SIM over the given period.


to_sim Integer

The number of Commands received by the SIM (to_sim) throughout the period.


from_sim Integer

The number of Commands sent by the SIM (from_sim) throughout the period.


home Object

An embedded Commands Usage Object that describes the number of Commands received by the SIM on the home network throughout the period, with keys total, to_sim and from_sim.


national_roaming Object

An embedded Commands Usage Object that describes the number of Commands received by the SIM on national roaming partner networks throughout the period, with keys total, to_sim and from_sim.


international_roaming Array

An array of Commands Usage Objects, one for each country with usage, that describes the number of Commands received by or sent from the SIM on international roaming partner networks throughout the period, with keys total, to_sim and from_sim.


Data Usage Object

The Data usage object reports usage of Data for the period.

The Data Usage object is presented as a tree-like structure. For example, the total value from the home child object, the national_roaming child object, and the international_roaming child object sum to the total value of the top level data object. This is the same for the download and upload parameters.

Property Data Type
Empty Value

total Integer

The total amount of Data consumed (downloaded and uploaded) by the SIM-connected device throughout the period.


download Integer

The amount of Data downloaded by the SIM-connected device throughout the period.


upload Integer

The amount of Data uploaded by SIM-connected device throughout the period.


units String

The units in which data usage is reported for the current object. Most often 'bytes'.


home Object

An embedded Data Usage Object that describes the amount of Data consumed by the SIM-connected device on the home network throughout the period, with keys total, download, upload and units.


national_roaming Object

An embedded Data Usage Object that describes the amount of Data consumed by the SIM-connected device on national roaming partner networks throughout the period, with keys total, download, upload and units.


international_roaming Array

An array of Data Usage Objects, one for each country with usage, that describes the amount of Data consumed by the SIM-connected device on international roaming partner networks throughout the period, with keys total, download, upload and units.


Read multiple UsageRecord resources

Last updated

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