Error Dictionary

20000 - 29999

2XXXX Platform


Not Found

Method not allowed

Access Denied

Unknown parameters

Internal Server Error

Service unavailable


83XXX Super SIM


Super SIM registration failed due to Internal Error

Parameter missing while registering a Super SIM

Super SIM cannot be registered

The Super SIM already belongs to the requesting Account.

Super SIM update operation failed due to Internal Error

Super SIM not found

Super SIM’s Target Fleet not found

Unable to activate your Super SIM as it does not belong to a Fleet

Unable to remove your Super SIM from its Fleet

Unable to update your Super SIM’s Fleet while it is in status scheduled

Unable to update your Super SIM to the desired status

A Super SIM with the specified Unique Name exists already

IP Commands error

The device was not attached to a cellular network

Received error response to IP Command callback request

No eSIM Profiles are available

An invalid parameter value was passed to the API

Request StartTime and/or EndTime must be aligned to UTC day boundaries

Request StartTime and/or EndTime must be aligned to UTC hour boundaries.

The maximum allowed query period is 31 days for group by sim queries

The requested query period exceeds the maximum allowed period for the requested Granularity

StartTime parameter is too far in the past. It must be within the last 18 months.

Attachment Failed Due To Internal Error

Data Session Establishment Failed Due To Internal Error

Attachment Rejected Due To Network Not Allowed

Attachment Rejected Due To Rate Limiting

Attachment Rejected Due To SIM In New State

Attachment Rejected Due To SIM In Inactive State

Last updated