
This documentation applies to the following products:

  • Super SIM

  • Programmable Wireless

Ensure you follow the guide to link your Twilio account to KORE before continuing.

For all other products, please review their respective documentation.

Follow these steps to start receiving Webhook events from KORE.

1. Securing your Webhook - Secret Generation

Securing your Webhook with a secret isn't mandatory, but KORE strongly encourages you to validate that the Webhook comes from KORE.

The secret should only be known by you and KORE. Treat this as you would your password, and do not share it.

To create your first KORE Webhook secret, login to the Developer Portal, navigate to Webhook page, and click on Create.

Provide a friendly name to your secret and click Create.

Enter Friendly name

View or download the newly created Secret and save it.

Record the secret

A secret is visible or downloadable only at the time of creation. If you forgot to save it, review our guide to rotate your secret to generate a new one.

The newly created secret details will be listed.

Once you have generated your first Webhook secret, all Webhook callbacks from KORE will be signed, and you can then validate.

2. Test your Webhook Endpoint

Coming Soon

We are working on releasing this feature to improve your developer experience

KORE allows you to send test events to an endpoint you wish to use to receive events from KORE. You can do this through the UI or API.

We suggest you test your Webhook Endpoint to

  • ensure KORE can successfully send you events

  • understand and validate all the headers from KORE, specifically to validate the Webhook

  • troubleshoot problems before leveraging Webhook with a product

Review our guide on testing and troubleshooting your Webhook for more detailed steps.

3. Configure a Webhook URL with the Super SIM API

The assumptions are:

  • You have created an API client to make API calls against KORE with a Super SIM scope; if not, review the getting started guide.

  • You have SIMs in either an Active or Inactive state.

We will configure a Webhook on a Super SIM API endpoint to get started and flip a SIM's status from inactive to active.

Activating a SIM will incur a monthly SIM fee and any data charges you generate.

With your API token and Super SIM SID, make the following API call to activate your Super SIM ensuring you specify a value for CallbackUrl.

curl -X POST "https://supersim.api.korewireless.com/v1/Sims/{Sid}" \
--data "Status=active" \
--data "CallbackUrl={Your notification URI}" \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'
  "unique_name": "My SIM",
  "status": "new",
  "fleet_sid": null,
  "iccid": "89883070000123456789",
  "date_created": "2021-04-01T20:00:00Z",
  "date_updated": "2021-04-01T20:00:00Z",
  "url": "https://supersim.api.korewireless.com/v1/Sims/HSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

4. Receiving and Responding to Webhook

Once you submit your API call with a Webhook configured, you will receive a callback from KORE with the HTTP headers mentioned here ( a sample is shown below).

POST /path?foo=bar


Host: 0956-2003-cf-5743-1000-651f-7e56-33f7-c3b3.ngrok-free.app
: KoreProxy/1.1
Content-Length: 161
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
: 2024-07-03T14:40:58Z
: RQa48ec9b6ef475034c35566c02b654243
: 2fdbc0ab1394cc8d37b8dabb74634aa9a951021a9b161f9c7a2186dc490b18b9
X-Forwarded-Host: your-callback-url.com
X-Forwarded-Proto: http

Upon receiving this, you should respond back with a 2xx HTTP response code. Also any temporary failures (HTTP response codes of 408, 429 or 5xx) will be retried.

Next Steps

🎉 Congratulations! You have successfully configured and received a Webhook from KORE.

You can explore KORE's various other APIs to get started with other products.

Last updated