Validate Webhook Signatures

Coming Soon This feature is under development and will be available soon. In the meantime, you will receive an empty kore-signature header.

Your web application should verify that KORE is the service that sent a Webhook before responding to that request. This is important for securing sensitive data and protecting your application and servers from abuse.

KORE will sign all inbound requests to your application with a kore-signature HTTP header. KORE uses the following parameters to create this signature:

  • Webhook method (either GET or POST)

  • the exact URL your application supplied to KORE

  • message body received (if the message is a JSON object; then stringify the JSON )

Kore signature is a SHA-256 hash of the concatenated string formed with Webhook secret + http method + URI + message(if present) in this order.

If the secret key does not exist for the account, the signature field will be empty.

KORE-Signature Example 1

For a message of content-type x-www-form-urlencoded, below is a sample of how a digital signature is created:

  • the secret is secret12345

  • the callbackURI is

  • the method is POST

  • the raw data is field1=value1&field2=value2.

The concatenated string will be secret12345POSThttps://testendpoint.comfield1=value1&field2=value2

The SHA-256 hash of this will be


KORE-Signature Example 2

For a message of content-type application/json, below is a sample of how a digital signature is created:

  • the secret is a35974bdf1c769b8bb

  • the callbackURI is

  • the method is POST

  • the raw data is { "field1": "value1", "field2": "value2"}.

The concatenated string will be a35974bdf1c769b8bbPOST{"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"}

The SHA-256 hash of this will be


Last updated